
5 Ways to Model a Strong Faith in Moments of Crisis

In the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic the world has seemingly spun into a panic. While I can’t recall ever having experienced a worldwide crisis of this magnitude, like most people, I’ve had my share of personal crises. Sometimes, I’ve handled crises well. At other times—not so much. One thing I’ve learned, though, that I

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The Surprising Benefits of Mixed Martial Arts for Kids (and Dads)

There was a time when boxing was the ultimate combat sport, and really the only one, that fathers would enroll their sons into lessons for. Who knows for certain when it began, but there is evidence that boxing matches were present in Egypt as far back as 3000 BC. There were boxing lessons being taught

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How to Be a Resilient Father and Raise Strong Kids

I almost wrecked the car on the return trip home from the doctor’s office. I was angry, disoriented, and grief-stricken. My wife and I had just finished up a third visit with the Developmental Pediatrician, a kind man who delivered devastating news about our two-year old son. Autism. At the time of the diagnosis, my

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What You Can Do To Help Prevent Childhood Obesity

It is a commonly held social belief that everyone should love their body. On the surface, this is a good thing because everyone is unique and, for some of us, our DNA makes it nearly impossible to sport those coveted washboard abs. We shouldn’t cave to the internal or social pressure of perfect looks. That

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